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On Morning Shows, Graham Says He Will Introduce An AUMF To Fight ISIL And Discusses The #GrahamPlan To Destroy Them


Graham: “The President Of The United States Is Disconnected From The Threat. His Strategy Is Failing. I Have A Road Map That Would Lead To The Destruction Of ISIL.”

“There Are Two Ways To Deal With ISIL: Fight Them In Their Backyard Or Our Backyard. I Choose Their Backyard.”
(FOX & Friends, “How Lindsey Graham would take on ISIS if he was president,” FOX News, 11/18/15)

This morning, Senator Lindsey Graham appeared on CNBC’s Squawk Box, FOX News’ FOX & Friends and FOX Business’ Varney & Co. to discuss the latest on the terror attacks in France, ISIL and the #GrahamPlan to destroy them, including an Authorization for Use of Military Force that he will introduce after Thanksgiving. In case you missed it, watch the interview with CNBC hereFOX News here and FOX Business here.

Graham: “I’m Not Asking People To Do Anything Other Than Listen To The Graham Plan, Which Is To Destroy ISIL In A Smart Way.”
(Squawk Box, “Destroy ISIL in a smart way: Sen. Graham,” CNBC, 11/18/15)


“I believe [Obama] thinks his strategy is working. I believe it is not. I think he’s reluctant to put in ground forces…He always just does the minimum. There’s an urgency that I have that he doesn’t. I think an attack is coming. I think it is imminent if we don’t get in on the ground with the region and destroy ISIL.”

Graham: “What I Will Do After Thanksgiving Is Introduce An Authorization To Use Military Force Allowing This President, And Every Future President, The Ability To Go Anywhere ISIL Goes And Use Any Means Necessary To Destroy Them.”
(FOX & Friends, “How Lindsey Graham would take on ISIS if he was president,” FOX News, 11/18/15)


“An authorization to use military force is necessary for this country to defend herself against a growing threat. And every member of Congress will have a chance to tell the world, ISIL and their constituents how they feel about this threat.”

“We’re Going To Get Attacked Because [Obama] Has Taken A Can Of Gasoline, Along With John Kerry, And Thrown It On Every Fire In The Middle East.” “At what point in time do you realize he doesn’t know what he’s doing? He’s the guy that said ISIL was the JV team. He’s the guy that withdrew all of our troops in Iraq against sound military advice. He’s the guy that drew a red line against Assad. Assad crossed it and Assad is still standing. He’s the guy that said Bin Laden’s dead and Al Qaeda is decimated. At what point in time do you realize he doesn’t know what he’s doing?”

“What Lindsey Graham Is Trying To Do Is Create A Sense Of Urgency That Doesn’t Exist, To Lead The President To A Solution That Would Protect The Homeland, To Declare War Against The Most Radical Islamic Group On The Planet Before We Get Hit.”

“All I Can Do Is Give The Tools Necessary To The Commander In Chief… The French President Gets It. All I’m Asking Is That Our President To Be As Bold As The French President”
“They have declared war on us, they have killed Americans, they have attacked our allies, they’re destabilizing the region, they’re trying attack our homeland. So rather waiting until we’re attacked, I want congress to come together and give this President the authorization to use military force anytime, anywhere… All I can do is give the tools necessary to the commander in chief… The French President gets it. All I’m asking is that our President to be as bold as the French President… ISIL has no mechanized infantry this is not the revolutionary guard, the region is ready to be led. You’d need about 100,000 troops, 90% of them come from the region.”

Graham: “I Want To Be Commander-In-Chief…To Defeat An Enemy That Needs To Be Destroyed.”

“I Am Willing, Ready, And Able To Destroy ISIL And Reset The World.”
(Varney & Co., “Lindsey Graham: An attack on our nation is imminent,” FOX Business, 11/18/15)


“All I can do is create a dynamic to protect America and I intend to.”
“I’m going to do with ISIL what we did with Al Qaeda after 9/11. Declare war on them. Allow this president and every other president to do whatever’s necessary to destroy ISIL before they hit us here at home… Let’s have this debate. Let the President of the United States veto a congressional action to give him unlimited authority to destroy the most radical terrorist organization on the planet. They’re more lethal than Al Qaeda, and they’re coming here if we don’t stop them over there. All I can do is create a dynamic to protect America and I intend to.”

“[I’m In The Presidential Race] To Win It, To Destroy ISIL And Reset The World… Mr. President, Wake Up. Wake Up, Mr. President.”

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