“I Would Have A Robust Ground Component Made Up Of Syrians, Regional Armies, And Some Americans To Destroy ISIL. Without A Ground Component It Won’t Work.”
(The Last Word, “Graham: ‘You can’t buy New Hampshire,’” MSNBC, 11/5/15)
“If You Don’t Understand That These People Are Motivated By Their Religion To Create A Master Religion And Their Intent On Imposing Their Will On The Rest Of Us, You Don’t Get The War.”
Graham: “I Hope This Is A Wakeup Call To Putin And The World At Large That ISIL Has To Be Destroyed.”
“[ISIL wants] to kill every Muslim who disagrees. They want to purify their faith, destroy the Christian religion in the Middle East and they’re well on their way to doing that. Destroy Israel and come after us infidels, Russia and America or anyone who disagrees with them outside of the faith…You have to understand this about ISIL: their desire to kill is only limited by their capability to kill. They have apparently – if this is true – a sophisticated network to get a bomb on an airplane to penetrate defenses. I hope this is a wakeup call to Putin and the world at large that ISIL has to be destroyed. President Obama has the right goal: degrade and destroy. He just doesn’t have the right strategy.”
“I Think The Average American Believes That Radical Islam Needs To Be Stopped Over There Before They Come Here.”